Where We Stand In Terms of Technology

By Shaikhn Faizan - September 07, 2020

 Where We Stand In Terms of Technology




Technically this is my first blog. If you don't consider my previous posts as a blog, it's okay. So, let's not talk about my blogs because the topic of today's blog is where we stand in terms of technology. When I say technology, I do not mean any particular technology; instead, I mean technology in general, which includes everything from EVs (Electric Vehicles) to Neuralink and 12 GB RAM in mobile phones and 108 megapixels mobile phones and many more. So, the question arises where we stand in terms of technology.

Of course, there is no particular answer to that question like we are in the middle, or we are just getting started. Although many people would think that this all is just the beginning, there is a lot to come. But I don't believe that this is the beginning, but I think the future is lots of things for us.


In the past 2 decades, technology has grown very fast. Like, a few years ago, the price of the internet in India was 150-200 RS per GB, and today it is 16-20 RS per GB thanks to Jio. I mean that the technology is growing very fast, and more new technology is coming every day and. In this growing era of technology, people sometimes forgot about the cons of these newly developed technologies. Like, do Electric vehicle really reduces the pollution, it is a zero-emission, which means it does not produce any gas in the exhaust, but that really minimizes the pollution because the manufacturing process of the battery used in the EVs is not that environmentally friendly. We only look at the right side of it and don't look at the other side. It is good, but sometimes the cons are more than the pros of something then also we don't care.

Like I said earlier, technology is growing very fast, but is it a good thing? Because everything needs balance, and today's technology doesn't have the credit. People are talking about robots for every work, but they don't think that do we really need robots for every job, and they don't think about the consequences of the action they take. Newton's third law states that "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" it doesn't only apply in motion if you think it applies to our day to day activities also.

There are so many problems in the world that need to be solved first, and then we should think about the future, and we don't think now there may not be any future to think about. A problem like global warming, pollution, unemployment, and many issues are there which need to be solved before moving on to create and maintain balance. Some people think that every problem can be solved by technology. Still, it is not valid for every issue. Let me give you an example, EVs to are developed to reduce air pollution but do people really considering EVs compare to CI engines? And I not talking about one particular contrary or state; I am talking about the whole world. Do people in every contrary can afford to buy EVs, and do every people in the world know about EVs. Lack of education is the main reason for most of the problems on earth. If people become more educated, then most of the issues would be solved. Because an educated person will be more aware of what is right and what is wrong than a less educated person.

In terms of technology, online education has grown in the past couple of years, and mainly due to this pandemic, online education has grown exponentially. It is a good thing people around the world are getting knowledge of every field. I learn about coding and how to code and many more things online. There are many online free courses available you can take just for the knowledge, and there are also free certification courses available. This is one right side of the internet, and there are many good things about the internet, but there is the same number of bad things you can do on the internet. That does not mean that you should not use the internet, but that means if you can, you should help improve the internet. The main problem in every industry or with every new technology developed is that it will always have a wrong side, which needs to be lower than the right side. If people around the world will become self-aware about all these things, bad things like corruption and crimes will decrease exponentially.

We came from casting to 3-D printing and from auto-correct to Grammarly, and we will keep ongoing, but the thing is we need to solve these problems first before moving on. Technology will develop according to the time, but it will also increase the problem if we don't solve it. So, keep creating and solving problems. Just keep in mind there are always two sides to everything.

That's it for today. I know that this post is not focusing on a particular point, but you get a general idea of what I am trying to say. If you think I am wrong, feel free to comment down below and subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss any post I upload.

- Shaikh Faizan

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