By Shaikhn Faizan - September 02, 2020



make money online


"YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE MORE THAN 50 WAYS METHODS OF MAKING MONEY ONLINE FOR FREE", but for this blog post, we will discuss only 7 ways to make money online. This is the top 7 ways, or you can say the most common and effective ways to make money online, and these ways are free to start. You don't need any money to start making money online from these 7 methods or practices, whichever you prefer. So, without wasting any time, let's dive into it.

  1. Start A YouTube Channel:-

Starting a YouTube channel is the simplest way to make money online with no investment. Anybody with access to the internet can start a YouTube channel and make money from it. Also, you can earn as much as you want from YouTube, but you have to create some unique and exciting content, then only you can become a successful YouTuber.

  1. Start A Blog:-

Being a blogger is the easiest way to earn money online or from home like me, "but I don't make money from this blog because AdSense is still reviewing my blog. I don't know about the future, but let's hope AdSense approve my website to show ads, and if you are reading this blog after 2nd Sept 2020 and you can see ads on my blog, please don't consider this move on". So, the thing with blogging is that you will have to be patient and keep writing and uploading posts, then only you will gain the audience, and you will become a successful blogger. Let's see if I can keep up with this blog or not. So, Please follow my blog and share it with our friends because it motivates me to write my next post.

  1. Do Affiliate Marketing:-

         Some of you guys know what Affiliate marketing is. And for those who don't know, Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which you promote someone else product, and if someone buys that product from your reference or link, then you will get a certain percentage of commission for each product. This is also the most common type of method for making money online. Because in this also you don't have to buy the product or you have to own the product. You just have to promote the product. You will find many videos online on how to become successful in Affiliate marketing. Also, If you are interested, check out these books. You can know anything you want about affiliate marketing by these books.  


  1. Create A Niche Website:-

       Niche Website is a small website focused on a particular topic or particular categories like health and fitness, Fashion, Technology, etc. A niche website can be of a few pages. You can earn through monetizing your website by ads, or you can do Affiliate marketing through your niche website. Affiliate marketing is the best option for a niche website because people who are interested in a particular category or topic will visit, and they are more likely to buy the product.

  1. Publish A Kindle eBook:-

       If you have experience in writing or you can write a book, then Publishing eBook on Kindle is the perfect option for you. Because through Kindle, you can reach to the people around the world, and you can earn from them. If you have expertise in a particular topic or thing, you can write and publish an eBook on Kindle. It is the best way to generate passive income after Affiliate marketing. You can also create a small niche website, and you can promote your book on that website.

  1. Create A Membership Site:-

       A membership site is a website that offers something or some information or any content to the members only. To see the content or access the content, you will have to buy a membership plan. Like that, you can also create a membership site and make money online from it. You can make a membership site on anything you like, or you are good at, something like giving courses of something to the members. You get my point. If you know about web development, you can sare your knowledge through membership sites and make money online from that.

  1. Sell Website On Flippa:-

       If you own a website and want to sell that, you can do that on flippa.com. Flippa is a platform where you can buy and sell websites. On Flippa, you can more than $60 000 for one website. Depending on the website. You can make as much as you want. But your website has to be at that level so that someone can buy for $60 000. If you want to know more about Flippa and how to sell, Check out this blog --> HOW TO MAKE $100 PER DAY SELLING WEBSITES

If you want to know more ways to make money online, than subscribe to my blog because I will soon post another 7 or 10 ways to make money online. And if you have any doubt, then feel free to comment down below. I will surely answer it. 

- Shaikh Faizan           



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