What do People Will Think?

By Shaikhn Faizan - September 10, 2020

 What do People Will think?


It is so common these days to "judge a book by its cover", not all of you, but many people do. Because of this, it becomes essential to write about it. Some people have the ability not to consider "What people will" while doing something or taking action, but most of us will consider "What people will think" many times as if we cannot skip it while doing something or going to take action. We can assume it is a bad habit or a narrow state of mind. If you think like this, it's not your fault. In India, it is more than usual to think about what people will think, or we can say it is mandatory to think about what people will think before making any decision. We cannot make any decision without taking "people's thinking" into consideration. Like many parents still believe that degree is everything, just because if he/she will not get a degree, then what people will think. Even though there is a whole movie (3 Idiots) is based on that topic, then also people don't get the message of that movie. Because most of the people think that it's only a movie, it does not apply to real life.

In India still, so many students commit suicide because of study pressure. But still, there is no change in any one's mindset. Everyone always thinks in the same way that "Getting a Degree is everything without a degree, there is no future". The government is accusing the opposition, and the opposition is accusing the government of this. Nobody is taking or even considering what it is like to be a student these days. I am not telling you that getting a degree is terrible, or studying is a bad thing. I am trying to tell you that it is not a good thing to force someone to get a degree just because "Sharma Ji ke ladke ke pas bhi degree he" or what others will think if he/she will not get a degree.

In this era of digitalization, where everything is online, everybody can become successful even without getting a degree. Just you will have to be skillful, and it is not necessary to get a degree to become proficient. 

And it's not just about education or getting a degree. It is about all decisions we make in our day to day life. From doing something to wearing something, most people will think of people or what people will think before considering anything else. Today we live our lives on someone else comment or review. This type of thinking, or we can say, a mindset comes from negative reviews from the people. Many people these days don't think before commenting on someone else's posts. They just comment on whatever they want. They don't take anything seriously, like what will the person think if I comment this on someone's else post. Many people stopped thinking about other's feelings these days. This is the reason why so many people still have that anxiety about what people will think. If there is no comment section on any social media, then it will become way better than today. People only know what to think instead of how to think that is also a reason for this anxiety.

If you want to learn how to think rather than what to think, check out this book. 

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- Shaikh Faizan

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