By Shaikhn Faizan - August 20, 2020


RAM(Random Access Memory


Today, we are going to talk about RAM(Random Access Memory), it’s functions, and different terminologies used in RAM. First of all, let’s talk about What is ram and by which material ram is made. Before starting let me tell you something, we all know what RAm is and what’s its function, some of you even know more about RAM than me but the point of writing this blog is to give information to those who don’t have it. I know by this time there are many videos and articles you will find on the internet about RAM and they can be better than mine, but I want to share my knowledge with you and nothing more. Now let’s start.

What Is RAM And Why Computers And Mobile Phones Need RAM?

Let’s start with the basics. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. In other words, you can say that it is a short term memory of computers and mobile phones. Computers and mobile phones need RAM for running a different process. RAM is installed on the motherboard in modules that are called DIMMs which stands for Dual Inline Memory Module or the yellow stripe you can see on the bottom of the RAM when you attach the RAM, the yellow stripe which goes into the slot is known as DIMMs. To run the program or access any data from a PC or Mobile that program or data first needs to be loaded into the RAM and then only PC or mobile can run the program or access the data. The need for RAM is that it can read and write data with great speed and more speed than normal Hard Drive(HDD) or Solid Drive(SSD). That’s why RAM is required to run any program. And your RAM is loaded then your PC will have to send some data to the hard drive and it slows the computer. Because an HDD can not read and write data as fast as a RAM, that’s why having more RAM installed on your PC or Mobile increases the speed of your PC or mobile. RAM only stores data as long as the computer or mobile is on when we turn off our computer or mobile it erases the data from RAM because RAM required constant electric power to store data, so when we turn off our computer it stops giving electric power to the RAM.

Types Of RAM:-

There are two types of RAM widely used 

  • DRAM (Dynamic RAM)

  • SRAM (Static RAM)

In SRAM data is stored using six MOSFET(metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors)and Memory cells and in DRAM data is stored using capacitors and transistors. SRAM is more expensive to produce than DRAM but SRAM is faster than DRAM. In DRAM data is stored as 0 and 1 or high charge or low charge. Capacitor store this data and transistor change and read this data.

Different Terminologies used in RAM:-

You have heard many times about 32-bit and 64-bit RAM but you know what it means. It means that the number of bits of data transferred in one clock cycle. RAM single is tied to the system clock for better controlling time. 

Mhz - It is the speed at which the RAM operates

64-bit means that it sends 64-bit data at a time and the computer reads only 1 bit of data at a time which is the smallest form of data that the computer reads. Also, 8 bits is equal to 1 Byte.

Now let’s talk about DDR. DDR stands for Double Data Rate. It sends a double amount of data in each clock signal compared to non-DDR. DDR does this by using both rising and falling edge of the clock signal as for the non-DDR it only uses the rising edge of the clock signal.


Similarly, DDR2 will send twice the amount of data in each clock cycle than DDR. And it requires less power than DDR. And DDR3 and DDR4 will send twice the amount of data in each clock cycle than its predecessor and it also requires less power. The DDR4 will have more number of pins than DDR3 and DDR3 will have more number of pins than DDR2 and so on. You can tell which RAM is DDR3 or DDR4 or DDR2 by looking at the bottom notch because it will be at a different place for DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4.

You can Check out this RAM it is best for your PC and at Low price.

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-Shaikh Faizan



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