By Shaikhn Faizan - August 27, 2020





"Want to be the guy in the photo sitting in Lamborgini wearing Rado and with iPhone in hand" then read this blog till the end and don't skip any part. But before starting, let me share something with you guys.

Most of you will think of why I write hello in every blog post because I cannot think of anything else :( if you can think of something better, then comment down below. Also, I use this kind of emojis even if I can use 🤣 this type of emojis I just want it to be cleared that I know. Now, Without wasting time, let's start your journey of becoming a successful freelancer. 

First, let's talk about my experience as a freelancer. I have been a freelancer since 2019, and I consider myself successful because my goal is completed, and I have gained numerous amount of knowledge and experience. In my experience of becoming a successful freelancer, the one problem I have faced during my beginning is that people don't give you jobs as quickly as they give to an experienced freelancer. So, for that, you will have to be patient and try until you get successful. See the thing a person is successful when he/she has achieved his/her goal or when a person thinks that I am successful. To become successful, it not necessary that one has to own a sports car or a bungalow. A person can become successful just by gaining knowledge or accomplishing a goal. If you want to become successful, then you will have to choose a plan, and then you will have to work hard towards achieving that goal. If you don't work hard, then you cannot reach your destination. So the first thing in becoming a successful freelancer is WORK HARD. You will probably be thinking that why I am giving you this "LECTURE" instead of telling you what to do and what not to do. I am doing it because I had made many mistakes when I was just starting to do freelancing, and I don't want you guys to make the same mistake. Now let's see how you can become a successful freelancer.

What To Do:-

  • The first thing you will have to do is work hard.

  • Then choose in which category you will do the freelancing work.

  • If you want, you can choose more than one category, but you will have to be good at both the type.

  • Be honest about your work. Don't lie or pretend to know something even if you don't know it.

  • Don't try to make money in less time and effort. I had wasted lots of my time earning money in less time and effort, but I never succeeded because there is no easy way to become successful. I learn this the hard way, but I want you to know this the simple way.

  • Examples of making money with less or no effort and time are making an auto-post blog that will automatically post blogs from another site to your uploading videos to Youtube without creating it like uploading creating common videos. Just re-upload it without doing anything. I am saying that don't waste your time doing making money without effort but do something legit like improve your skills.

  • Next is if you are posting a gig about web designing, then be reasonable at first, don't concentrate on money for the beginning. If you try to make a lot of money from the start, then you will hardly get any sales on your gig. I am just saying that as a beginner, you will have to sell a gig at a low price after that when you get some rating and experience, then you can increase your price accordingly.

  • Write your gig by thinking like the buyer. Ask yourself one question, if you are a buyer, will you buy this gig? You will get your answer on whether or not you should post this gig or need improvement.

  • If you don't know what to write on your gig, just switch to the buying and see how others have posted their gig, what are the similarities, and how should you implement that similarity to make your gig better than others.

  • I switch to the buying section, and I pretend to buy some service. I check out different gigs providing that service, and if I get a gig that I would like to buy if I am looking for that service, then I will look at that gig carefully and see what the key features that attract me for purchasing this gig are. And how can I implement those features or points in my gig to increase my sales or make my gig more attractive? I am not telling you to copy and paste someone else gig. I am telling you to just look for the key features and don't try to emulate. Make something like that or even better on your own.

  • If you are new and don't have any rating, then you can provide some demo of your work to the buyer so that the buyer can see your work.

  • It is also essential in submitting a proposal to attach your demo work because the proposal with demo work or some examples is more likely to be accepted than just the simple bid.

What Not To Do:-

  • First thing first, Don't copy anything from anywhere. If you have to become successful, then be legit. Just don't copy and paste. It will not work.

  • Don't waste your time waiting for someone to buy you gig or accept your proposal for a job. While waiting to try to improve your skills or learn something new, like take any certification course or there are many lectures online just to learn for free, watch them and learn.

  • Don't be greedy and lazy.

  • Don't let anything affect the quality of your work because if the quality of your work is compromised for even one project or job, it will affect your rating.

  • Don't write out of topic in your proposal or gig.

  • Don't write a brief gig or proposal. Be straight and straightforward.

That's it for today, and if you like this blog, please share it with your friends and family. Also, subscribe to my blog if you want more of this type of blog and more. And if you have any questions or doubts regarding this blog, feel free to comment down below. I will surely answer it. 

Here are some of my favorite books. I will recommend you guys for becoming a successful freelancer. 

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And if you want to know where to start freelancing, here are some best websites for new freelancers.

  • Shaikh Faizan         

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